As you gain more seniority in your company, have a greater influence on others, you spend more time communicating messages to others within the company and outside of the company). The way in which we communicate has a direct reflection how we feel about ourselves. This coincides with our values and what our expertise is.
What is an executive presence?
Executive presence is all about acting and behaving in a way that makes others feel respected.
A present and polite executive will be noted and seen in an elegant manner, which will make others follow, listen and feel comfortable.
Why is an executive presence important?
Communicating to others about how we present ourselves interactively, has a resounding impact on our relationships both professionally and privately. The ability to influence others is immediate and occurs the moment the other person sees us; even before we communicate in words. At an instance we reveal ourselves, our ‘story’, our ‘values’ and our ‘professionalism’. This reveal is showcased in the way we smile, look at others, touch them (even when shaking hands), and in any physical action that we do.
How to improve your presence? And what can you do?
In order to improve your communication skills, there are five basic steps you should consider:
1. Knowledge and Awareness:
Knowledge awakens awareness. When interacting with others it is imperative to understand the basic rules of interaction in accordance to cultural diversity. Understanding, realizing and being aware of your own behavioral rules and manners will aid you when meeting your target audience. Recognizing and accepting cultural differences can help in mischief and will prevent embarrassment which may harm the relationship. It is important to keep people at ease and comfortable with your presence
2. Confidence and Credibility:
Your behavior reflects your values and the values of your company. Credibility, honesty, integrity, respect, humanity, trust, consideration and empathy are namely a few. These values personify us as a trustworthy and respectful partner. Everything you do can build or tarnish your presence. Connecting to your values will help you build confidence and credibility.
3. Leadership & Manners:
Leaders typically by practice, display for us good manners. They have the ability to implement values that they believe in and care about, and to inspire others to follow them. A powerful and charismatic leader will be a motivator for others, by showing his followers: respect, dignity, positive teamwork, productivity, politeness and loyalty. Leaders with bad manners can obliterate positive feelings in a work place, and in doing so they will damage and limit their ability to attract and retain followers. This outcome is damaging to the company and its image. Successful followers of the company will seek out an enthusiastic and humanistic leader.
4. Nonverbal Communication:
Letting others feel you are respecting them and dedicating your attention to them, can be reflected in a nonverbal way. This is done by: how we sit and stand, body language, showing if you are interested in what they have to say, and showing when you have heard enough. Your mannerisms are noted the way you answer the phone will affect your communication with others and how they perceive you. What kind of energy do you bring into the interaction. Is your energy divided into multitasking assignment (talking on the phone while answering your emails?)
5. It’s You Out There – Your Professional Image:
Everything that you do, in every given situation, directly affects the reputation of your company.
Your behavior in public places when you are not at work, the posts and photos you share on your online social and business networks are noted. How you eat at a business meal, how you enter a room, the word you use to convey a message are examples of you image. Your behavior affects others. Your manners and values are reflected in how you represent yourself and behave. Finding your strengths and understanding what you have to improve is crucial in interacting in a respectful manner with others. What do you want to improve, within yourself in your team, in your company?
How you communicate with others and how you show respect are a reflection on your actions and manners. It is not about being perfect in everything that you do, we are humans after all. It is about showing you care and respect others and their culture. In every interaction that you have with others you impact and influence those around you.
Discover the magic of doing business with cultural awareness and manners.
For lectures and workshops contact: Rachel Mendelovitz directly at: